Star health insurance is one of the companies that offer high sum insured for group health insurance policies. The maximum sum insured offered by the pre-underwritten Star Group health insurance policy is up to Rs.1 Crore for the individuals as well as families. If the customer requires a sum insured above the Rs.1 Crore limit, then the proposal would be examined by the underwriter for the need of such high sum insured. It is important to understand that higher the sum insured,higher would be the premium payable under the group health insurance policy.
Star health insurance provides hospitalization covers such as in-patient hospitalization, pre and post hospitalization, outpatient hospitalization etc. In addition to this there are certain other covers such as alternative treatments such as Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy.
Star health insurance also covers the modern treatments depending on the sum insured chosen under the group health insurance policy. The room rent charges, ICU charges and other surgical expenses would be covered under the star group health insurance policy. Certain treatments such as Cataract, knee replacement etc would be covered up to a certain limit of sum insured under the policy.
Star group health insurance policy can be taken without waiting periods which means the customer can avail coverage from the day 1 itself. There are certain waiting periods in the policy such as Initial waiting period, pre existing disease waiting period, specific disease waiting period and maternity waiting period. There would be an option to choose the group health insurance policy without the need for waiting period with Star health insurance.
Star group health insurance policy has an option to add or delete the members of the policy during the policy period. An intimation should be given to the company within 45 days of employee joining or leaving the organization to facilitate the addition or deletion process. The extra premium or refund premium would be provided to the organization as per the terms and conditions.
Star group health insurance policy does not require a pre-policy medical checkup before taking the policy. This means that there would be no need to undergo a pre-policy medical checkup before taking a group health insurance policy. Parents and other dependents can be covered under the star group health insurance policy on payment of additional premium.