Claim Settlement Ratio 99.73%
Renewability 100%
Claim Settlement Facility 100%
COVID-19 Cover Yes
Network Hospitals 10000
Incurred Claim Ratio 59%
The plan is designed to provide rewards to insured customers maintaining a healthy lifestyle in the form of return of premiums and various other benefits. The minimum and maximum sum insured under the plan is Rs.5 Lakhs and Rs.1 Crore. For sum insured of Rs. 5 Lakhs and above the insured customer can opt for any room without any restriction on the room rent limit. Modern treatments are covered under the plan up to the sum insured. Daily cash benefits of up to Rs.6000 per event are available under the plan. The pre and post hospitalization expenses are covered up to 90 days before and 180 day after the hospitalization. In case of network hospitals the road ambulance charges are covered up to the actuals and in case of non network hospitals the road ambulance charges are covered up to Rs.3000 per event. Alternative treatments and organ donor expenses are covered up to the sum insured limits mentioned under the plan.
The minimum and maximum sum insured under the plan is Rs. 2 lakhs and Rs.200 lakhs. The pre and post hospitalization expenses are covered up to 30 days before and 60 days after the hospitalization. The plan covers 586 listed procedures under the daycare treatments up to the maximum sum insured. Sum insured under the plan will be reloaded up to 150% of the basic sum insured and a maximum of Rs.50 lakhs. A daily allowance of Rs.500 per day would be payable subject to a maximum of 5 days per hospitalization. Domestic as well as international emergency assistance services including air ambulance are available under the plan. The plan has also an optional benefit to reduce the pre-existing waiting period to 24 months.