Framework for Structuring the Group Health Insurance Plan for your Employees


vector image of Structuring the group health insurance for employees

Framework for Structuring the Group Health Insurance Plan for your Employees

Let’s see the basic point to consider when designing an efficient plan:

Focus on preventive health checks:

Healthy employees make for a healthy workplace. Timely health screenings of employees are important not just for the wellness of the employees but also for the growth of the organisation. Regular health checks help in the early detection and treatment of underlying medical issues and improve the overall well-being of the employees leading to less absenteeism due to health problems and increased productivity in the organisation.

Educating your employees:

Bringing in financial advisors for talk shows, seminars, educating your employees about the latest trends and safe financial investment practices will surely help them understand their financial situation better and take unnecessary stress out of their lives.

Similarly, organizing mental health and physical talks will educate them as to how to keep their bodies fit and minds happy.

Analyzing the data:

Data analysis will give you insights into the ratio of how much you have spent versus how much the plan is being used. Your money should not go to waste. That’s why you need to know whether you are overpaying for the benefits you are providing to your employees.

This will help you reduce the benefits that are not contributing to the well-being of your employees. Data will also tell you how engaged your employees are and how what steps you can take to make the engagement even better!

The company’s best way to structure an efficient plan is to work with a knowledgeable broker. An insurance broker is the balancing or the administrative force on TPA and the insurance company’s customer promise and delivery standards.

Apart from just a watchman or external administrator, the insurance broker can offer a great deal of value-addition in the whole experience and in the administration of group health insurance.

Fortunately, we at Ethika can help you with structuring the right policy for your employees keeping the above points in mind. Our expert team will design, do the data analysis, educate, engage, reduce the claim costs, and help your business grow!

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Susheel Agarwal

Susheel is the CEO of Ethika Insurance Broking P Ltd. This company, which has a current value of 10 million dollars, was bootstrapped by him and two of his friends. He attributes his success to his ability to inspire others to seek happiness at work.